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To keep deer out of your yard, use a combination of preventative measures. First, preventing deer from eating foliage can be done by growing deer-resistant plants and spraying homemade repellent. Strong-smelling flowers also have a deer-repelling effect, in addition to other effects. Ultimately, deer fences or netting may be required to keep your garden and plants safe.
Apply the mixture to the deer’s favorite plants for added protection. Do you prefer to make your own homemade deer repellent instead of buying costly concoctions? As an organic gardener, I want to know what goes into my plants, and that includes pest repellents.
Wrap new plantings
As a result, adding scarecrows to confuse these critters into thinking someone is in the garden works wonders for preserving your vegetation. To set up this deer guard, two anchor points are necessary to attach it to. Installing pipes or rods in the corners of your garden is ideal.
You must avoid plants that attract deer if you have a problem with deer in your neighborhood. In a deer-proof garden, you can grow a variety of flowering perennials and annuals. Having a dog as a pet is extremely effective in deer management. No matter their size, their scent and bark are natural deer repellents so make sure the dog tags along while you're gardening or the kids are playing in the yard.
Other Ways to Create a Deer-Proof Garden
If they smell mint while scoping out your garden, they’ll likely try to get away from the scent. There are a few different ways you can use mint to keep animals out of gardens. Deer are one of the most dreaded wildlife pests since they eat nearly everything in their path, even plants that claim to be deer-resistant. You DON'T have to put up an electric fence—there are better, safer, and more humane ways to keep deer out of your garden.

For example, you can turn the eggshells you throw away into calcium pills that will be greatly appreciated in times of need or when food becomes scarce. I tried that, they either nosed around in the pot and uprooted them without eating or they ate them. Well-meaning people think they’re being helpful by setting out food and water for deer, but feeding wildlife is always a bad idea. Not only will you be adding to your own deer troubles, but those of your neighbors as well. Here’s a list of the best deer repellents on the market that I recommend. A slanted wire fence (installed at a 45° angle) makes it difficult for deer to gauge just how far or wide the fence is.
Homemade deer repellent-methods
You’ll need eight habanero peppers, a half cup of water, and 2 tbsp. Blend the chili peppers in water and strain them through a cheesecloth for the next step. Boxwood, eastern red cedar, Chinese juniper, and inkberry are some of the best evergreen hedge plants for keeping deer out of gardens. Deer can’t see what’s on the other side because of the dense evergreen foliage. As a result, they are less likely to approach your property for their evening meal. Bait the fence with peanut butter when installing an electric fence to deer-proof your garden.

Tall plants growing tightly together is a more aesthetically pleasing option than a fence. A physical fence may not be the most attractive method, but it gets the job and can be camouflaged by plantings. Deer are great jumpers, so to deter them, a fence needs to be 8 feet or higher with gaps no larger than 6 inches. Under stress, deer will eat just about anything, but some plants are more alluring than others. Here are some plants to keep out of an unprotected garden.
Make up a couple of scarecrows and move them around once a month. And at the end, I’ll even share with you my dad’s surefire way of keeping deer out of his garden. He stumbled upon this solution by accident one summer and has used it successfully every year since. With this, you’ll never be short on medicine no matter what happens and will always have a way left to help yourself or a loved one in need. The plant is called Usnea, and it’s popularly known as Old Man’s Beard.

Learning how to keep deer out of your garden effectively spares you the headache of replanting specimens over and over without upsetting the environment. Hanging up pie tins and aluminum cans creates both an unusual visual and sound. “Some gardeners swear by talk radio,” adds Perry, which is another sound tactic you may try.
There are even fruits and vegetables that deer tend to avoid, which is good news if you grow your own food. Check out my comprehensive deer-resistant plant lists to help you design a less “appetizing” garden, so to speak. Did I miss any deer deterrent tips that have worked for you in your garden? Random lights, noises and water sprays can scare deer away from your garden. You can grow them around and near plants which they feed on, or you can also make a garden spray from these herbs.
However, their eye placement means they have a harder time with depth perception. Scents like lavender and mint in the air also mask the smell of delicious vegetables coming from your garden. Herbs like lavender, chives, mint, and marigold are all great options. The thing to remember when dealing with deer is to switch it up. But if relied on too often, deer will adapt to whatever noises or tricks we have cooked up to scare them away.
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